Saturday, 5 May 2007

Being "russ"

I loathe children, especially if they come running towards you, screaming: "Russ! Russ!". It is implied that you are to hand over whatever "russ"-cards you have. But at the same time, you feel immensely powerful. A simple "no" can make them cry. But my mistress is too kind. She gives to everyone who wants one. I can't stand these brats, and they're all over us! I can't even go to IKEA to look at lamps without being assaulted by kids. Why can't she just leave the pants at home?
The grilling in the park yesterday left us ill. My mistress has a soar throat and a minor throb in the head. But at least she had fun. I was forced to shut up and tag along. I met one of my mistress' favourite characters, Aurora Ask. She's actually not so bad, but love has softened her. And now she's pregnant. What on earth happened with the cold and cynical auror? I liked her much better when she was a cold-hearted bitch. And her man can't do anything for himself, she has to help him out of every tricky situation. In real life, they would have broken up within weeks. Lucky for my mistress, they're up in her head.

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