Monday, 15 February 2010

Selflessness or laziness?

My mistress is under the delusion that the lack of initiativ from her side is a sign of selflesness. She took absolutely no part in deciding where the journey should go after two weeks of compulsory activity, citing that it mattered not where they went. Her only demand was that she would be able to afford it and that they would stay at a safe and sanitary place. Some would call this generous, but you ought to recocgnize it for what it really is. Utter laziness. Not once has my mistress made any attempt to plan the rest of her stay in South America. Luckily, someone has. Do not be fooled by my mistress' contimous claims of being fond of planning. There is nothing she dreads more than to meticulously planning soemthing that lasts more than one day.
There is another matter in which one would be wise in not overestimating my mistress, and that is her skills in martial arts. She may have a belt in something, but that does not make her capable of fighting off anyone. Luckily she is willing to admit this herself, but I suspect that her friends think too highly of her in that matter.
I do not mean to paint an unflattering picture of my mistress, but her behaviour has forced my hand (or should I say my pen). She has too many things to focus her attention on, and not enough discipline to do them just. Only time will tell when she realizies that it is necessary to work even after hours. Until then we will have to bear with her and her complaints over the shortage of time and amount of work.

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