Thursday, 11 October 2007

Trisha Banks, a director

My mistress has made my the main character in her story about Ms Banks company. I should be... flattered? Though I agree with her, everything sounds much better in her head. So, am I to start my own company in a couple of years? Or is this my mistress' back up plan if she decides that chemistry and biology isn't her field? Either way, I will be the dominant part. My mistress is too soft hearted. I have already hired a person. I will be her superior, of course, but she is my co-director.
It occured to me that my blog might be offesive to some people. I often write about murders and thoughts of torture and murder. Like Pat Bateman, I have never actually committed any murder. Or have I? Well, I've never been directly linked to a death, let's just say that.
My mistress has tried to analyse her own and my personality. Her conclusion: she is either too stupid, or we are too complex. She leans towards the last option, I'm divided between them both.
At this moment I have no urge to excecute anyone, but if this weather keeps up, I might end up living alone. It's not the cold that bothers me, I like it cold; it's the constant rain and cloudy sky. But when in Trønderland, dress as the trønder, or whatever they are saying about the weather here.
I have been inactive for a couple of weeks, and I don't plan on writing too many blogs. It is a waste of time, both for me, and for anyone who bothers to read them. I do not easily share my thoughts, and if I do, it's not so easy to understand what I'm thinking. Therefore I think it is a waste of time to post them here. Or anywhere. But it's nice to have a place where you can post threats and warnings.


Anonymous said...


I begin on internet with a directory

Anonymous said...

je suis nouveau ici j'aime vous lire ;)
je voulais vous remercier pour votre super site internet !
Bonne continuation
Nicolaseo, Rien de mieux que le referencement naturel.

Anonymous said...

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