Sunday, 17 February 2008

Rainy Sunday

Currently, my mistress has been suffering from writer's block, I suppose I'll have to update those of you who are genuinely interested in her rather dull life. And, to be quite honest with you, her life IS very dull indeed. I don't think she has failed to follow her schedule a single day. She should be proud, you say? She should get a social life, I say.
My mistress did actually go out this weekend, though I doubt she will be repeating this in the nearest future. Within a couple of days she spend most of her "have fun"-account. And she still hasn't received money from those idiotic people at the loan office. But we have all agreed that it was, to some degree, also her fault.
I feel it is my duty to point it out to my mistress when she is acting foolishly. Which is excactly what she is doing. If haven't noticed, it is most likely because I have been able to subdue her foolishness to a certain degree. Or you haven't been around. I choose to believe that this is the result of a mixture of exhaustion and the feeling of finally mastering something. Anything else would be unacceptable and incomprehensible to the both of us.

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